Light and Tunnel

Pic by:Vaikoovery
Life is like Konkan Railway
Where tunnels keep coming in
Every now and then
Moment after moment
One after one
Even blocking the rays of mighty Sun
Their unending dark embrace
Arises in me feelings of
Disgust, suffocation and frustration
But as the famous saying goes
At the end of every tunnel
There is a light
That brings life in natural form
And this way
Journey of life goes on...

The Art of Losing


When you make
Deliberate effort
To leave things unsaid
And questions unanswered
When your thoughts vacillate
But your soul is not bothered
When you relish
The fullness of void
With a silent nod
Believe me
These traits of your personality
Are not the indicators of
Psychological or schizophrenic disorder
Instead this non-random randomness
Simply shows that
You are perfecting
The art of losing

Sorrow and Pain


When I came to know 
The truth behind
My recent misery
I laughed at myself
It was not a misery actually
But an illusion
Created by my own mind
My pain is gone
that I can’t explain
And you’ll only
Know of it soon
When you’ll go through
The same

Uninvited Silence


In a bright summer afternoon,
when a gusty wind blows my window,
I establish my connection with outer world.
Standing besides the opened window, 

I can hear a confusion of sounds,
the loud talks,
quarreling in neighborhood, 
an engine letting go off steam, 
the cries of playing children, 
free laughter of beautiful girls,
the rumble of a passing lorry, 
the buzzing of bees,
and the strident call of the crows. 

Amidst all this noise,
a silence starts creeping into my soul
unsought and uninvited .

The Shadow of Pain


I was lying, thinking, sobbing
Last night
With a thought hammering my mind
I was sweating like a pig with loose veins
My blood became blue, thick like a glue
Heart was aching, quivering, shivering
Eyes were moisten
With thirst thrashing my stomach
My ventricles lay in silence
I came up with one thing
That nobody,
But nobody Can make my pain thinner
Which has turned me into a insomniac

I could decipher the cause of my pain
It is my logic that is misunderstood,
I’ve to  do things for my own good
I opened my eyes, swept my tears
For my future,
I’ve to be prepare

It was
Last night when
I was lying, thinking, sobbing